Fine-Feathered Falcons

Fine-Feathered Falcons lesson plan

The most common falcon in North America is the American kestrel. Soar with your own beautiful bird of prey!

  • 1.

    While riding along a highway, do you ever see large birds perched on power lines or high branches? They might have been sparrow hawks (also called American kestrels or falcons) searching for food in nearby fields. These birds have amazing eyesight, which helps them catch their prey.

  • 2.

    Find out where falcons live, their life cycle, food, and other details. What role do these fascinating birds of prey play in the food chain?

  • 3.

    Use Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils to draw and color a large American kestrel. Use pictures to help you capture details. These streamlined birds have long tails and pointed wings. They sit more upright than other kinds of birds.

  • 4.

    With the eraser, erase curved lines to show rows of light-colored feathers on your bird's back. Erase to show the white feathers found on its face and chest.

  • 5.

    Use your imagination to draw a background scene for your hawk. It could be sitting on a thick power line or tree branch. Blend your colors to give a muted look to sky or mountains.

  • 6.

    Mat your drawing on colored construction paper with Crayola Glue Sticks.


  • Students research the life cycle and habitat of the American kestrel, which is also known as a sparrow hawk or falcon.
  • Students realize the importance of birds of prey in the food chain.
  • Students use a draw and erase technique to illustrate a falcon and its feathers.


  • If possible, work with an expert on birds of prey to observe sparrow hawks and learn more about them first-hand. Real-life experience is especially important for many children with special needs.
  • Research to find other birds of prey. Which ones are found in your area? Draw pictures and label them to create a mural. Point out colors or feather patterns that distinguish them from other birds.
  • Create a drawing of a bird of prey with its wings wide open, soaring above your head. Research the unique and beautiful patterns of feathers you see underneath these marvelous birds. Try to duplicate them in a drawing.
  • Use the pictures children created to make a quiz. Children identify the various species by looking distinguishing marks, patterns, and colors.