Jobs in Our Classroom

Jobs in Our Classroom lesson plan

What jobs could you do in your classroom? Submit your personalized applications in boxes that advertise the opportunities!

  • 1.

    <STRONG>Identify jobs</STRONG>. With your classmates, list jobs that you can do to keep your classroom running smoothly. What about computer mentor, spelling coach, or town crier? With your teacher, choose the most important jobs.

  • 2.

    In small groups, write job descriptions with Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils. Use precise language to describe responsibilities. Clearly state timelines and qualifications.

  • 3.

    <STRONG>Advertise for "Help Wanted."</STRONG> Cut colorful paper to fit recycled tissue boxes with Crayola Scissors. Cover one box for each position. Attach the paper with Crayola Glue Sticks.

  • 4.

    Cut plain paper panels to fit one side of each box. Design an attractive "help wanted" ad with your colored pencils and Crayola Rainbow Twistables. Pick a creative job title. Choose words that encourage you and your friends to apply.

  • 5.

    Submit applications. Design personalized letterhead with your colored pencils and Twistables. Write a cover letter to apply for each job that interests you. State your skills and experience.

  • 6.

    Roll up your applications. Tie them with colorful ribbon and place them in the appropriate ad boxes. Who will select applicants? Rotate responsibilities so everyone contributes to your classroom!


  • Students brainstorm jobs that contribute to healthy classroom life.
  • Students identify responsibilities and skills needed for each position, and then develop job descriptions that promote each job.
  • Students design personal letterhead, analyze their skills and abilities, and match them to available jobs.


  • Design a self-evaluation process for "hired" individuals to assess how they are performing in their positions.
  • Compare and contrast working for pay and the role of volunteerism. Share things that you do as a volunteer. Imagine your life without volunteers.
  • Find out about jobs your grandparents did when they were young.
  • Talk about how different countries regard child labor.