Texture Tiles

Texture Tiles lesson plan

Get all touchy-feely as you explore textures, creating a unique texture tile capturing a variety of unusual surfaces.

  • 1.

    Discover a variety of appealing textures, such as a dog or cat's tongue, powder puff, bunny fur, bricks, or tree bark. Compile a list of descriptive words for each of these textures.

  • 2.

    Roll or press Crayola® Model Magic into a smooth 3/4-inch (2 cm) slab. Measure with a ruler and then cut a 3-inch (8 cm) square tile with a craft stick or other modeling tool.

  • 3.

    Add texture to the tile using these or other creative modeling techniques:<br><li>Press textured surfaces (such as bark, screen, wood, or lace) against the tile surface for a "fossil" effect.<li>Use modeling tools (plastic dinnerware, craft sticks, household utensils) to make indentations or patterns on the surface.<li>Add texture with fingertips or found objects such as leaves.<li>Build up the tile surface with additional Model Magic.


  • Students experience tactile learning, describe in words, and recreate textured surfaces in their environment.
  • Children use various modeling tools and art techniques to make a tile that represents their tactile perceptions.


  • Art and science specialists can work together to lead student explorations of different types of tree bark, plant leaves, vegetable skins, or other readily available textures.
  • Work in smaller or larger scales, creating real or imagined textures. Try to match the created textures with the real objects.
  • Create a feeling bag. With eyes closed, children reach into a closed bag and select an object. Can they identify it by texture and shape?
  • Older students can find creative ways to arrange and layer textures on texture blocks to make them aesthetically appealing. Display on low tables, then invite younger students to visit and "please DO touch" the Textures Tiles.