Port Portrait

Port Portrait lesson plan

Plan an imaginary cruise, using maps, studying other languages, and drawing scenes from your trip.

  • 1.

    Identify exciting places your family or a school group, such as a language club, might visit on a boat or ship. Work together as a class, or in small groups, to plan an imaginary cruise. Plot the course of the trip on a map. Record the imaginary itinerary on a chart or calendar.

  • 2.

    Make a portrait of your group waiting to leave one port on the cruise, using Crayola® Oil Pastels on construction paper. Depict the foreground and background scenery realistically, and show clothing appropriate for the climate. Blend layers of color in the background with a small piece of paper towel.

  • 3.

    Describe the port scene and the feelings of each group member. Use vocabulary words that capture people's excitement and curiosity.


  • Children research and plan an imaginary cruise itinerary (tropical islands, fjords, rivers, iceberg watches) while studying topics such as languages, transportation, geography, oceans and rivers, or climates.
  • Children use the technique of layering and blending oil pastels to depict the setting and cruise participants in one port on the voyage.
  • Students describe the scene and group members' feelings with vivid vocabulary.


  • Children write about an entire imaginary family or school voyage. Refer to maps, Web sites, and brochures. Ask children probing questions as they revise and edit their work.
  • Continue a series of drawings of an imaginary cruise. Bind the drawings together and add words to describe events and sights. Write in each country's language if possible.
  • Invent riddles about the setting in the portrait. Can other students figure out where the portraits were made?