Pop-Up Stepping Stones

Pop-Up Stepping Stones lesson plan

What could you do when you were 6 months old? When did you first walk? Make this pop-up record of your growing-up milestones!

  • 1.

    How quickly young children change! Find out when babies and toddlers usually learn to crawl, stand, walk, talk, get teeth, or reach other milestones.

  • 2.

    With your family, find out when YOU reached these milestones. Or keep track of them for a younger brother, sister, cousin, or neighbor. Here’s a cool way to remember life’s milestones.

  • 3.

    Fold a large sheet of paper in half. To create stepping stones, use Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils to draw irregular shapes with the top part of each stone along the fold. Draw as many as you like. You can always erase if you change your mind or make a mistake.

  • 4.

    Cut around the bottom and sides (not the folded top) of each stepping stone with Crayola Scissors.

  • 5.

    Color in the stones with Crayola Twistables. Label each stone with a date or age. Flip up the stone and write what you learned to do at that age on the inside. Use words and/or pictures.

  • 6.

    Arrange your stones in chronological order on another sheet of paper. Attach them with a Crayola Glue Stick. Decorate the background with your name and other designs. What a great keepsake for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or other family events!


  • Students realize that humans exhibit a fairly predictable growth pattern.
  • Students and their families research the progression of their child’s growth as babies and toddlers.
  • Students design a keepsake of their milestones in chronological order.


  • Create chronological milestones (past and future), highlighting important events.
  • Compare human changes with the development of animals such as kittens, puppies, or tadpoles.
  • Keep a record of milestones during the school year. What are your learning goals? What skills do you want to achieve?