Perfect Pig Book Reports

Perfect Pig Book Reports lesson plan

Pigs! Pigs! Pigs! Pick your favorite book (or poem) about pigs. Create a pig-sized poster to highlight the most fascinating points in your reading.

  • 1.

    What do you know about pigs? How many are born at a time? What do they eat? How big do they get? What do they like to do? Which pigs make good pets? Why do pigs make such interesting main characters in books?

  • 2.

    Read a book or poem about pigs. What characters or events were the most captivating? Why would other students enjoy reading it?

  • 3.

    On construction paper(perhaps pink), outline a pig with Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils. If you change your mind, the marks erase easily! Cut out your pig with Crayola Scissors.

  • 4.

    Use Crayola Washable Markers to draw your pig’s face. Show your pig’s snout, ears, eyes, and mouth.

  • 5.

    What can you say about your book that would convince others to read it? What was the funniest part? Describe a colorful character. Build curiosity about the plot. Write your ideas on the pig. Use drawings to show characters and the action.

  • 6.

    Present your pig-sized book report orally to your classmates. Create some mystery so others will want to read the book to find out what happened.


  • Students research information about pigs and their habits.
  • Children read fictional books or poetry that include pigs as main characters.
  • Children design and create a poster-sized pig on which to write and illustrate a detailed book report and then present it orally to the class.


  • Students with special <EM>needs</EM> could work together or with an adult to read, draw, and illustrate their book reports.
  • Integrate language arts with math by doing story problems involving pigs. Use pictures of pigs or pig manipulatives to practice counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
  • Incorporate this book report into an animal unit for science by researching habitats, food needs, and habits of pigs.
  • Create a bulletin board for language arts entitled "We’re Rolling Along." Draw pigs playing/rolling in mud. Write one of the following on your pigs: words that end in –ing, pig poems, words related to pigs that spell pig: <STRONG>P</STRONG>layful <STRONG>I</STRONG>cky <STRONG>G</STRONG>runt.
  • In social studies, learn in what regions of the world pigs are grown. Find these places on maps. Why are pigs not raised in some cultures?