News Crew Tools

News Crew Tools lesson plan

Catch hot news stories with top-of-the-line recycled reporting equipment! Get ready for hands-on newsgathering.

  • 1.

    What could be more exciting than reporting news to the rest of the world? Think about how, when, and where news teams work. They use cameras; computers; audio, video, and digital recording devices; and monitors. Even a cell phone can make a difference!

  • 2.

    You may not have access to all of this equipment but your imagination can help you to design and build some to help you get your story. This a great project to work on in teams!

  • 3.

    <STRONG>Ask an adult</STRONG> to use Crayola® Scissors to help you cut a recycled box into a laptop computer. Draw the parts of the laptop (keys, touch pad) with Crayola Fine Line Markers.

  • 4.

    Cover your art area with newspaper. With Crayola Paint Brushes and Washable Paint, cover the box in a computer color. Why not try a hue out of the (black or silver) box? Air-dry your laptop.

  • 5.

    Paint the inside and outside of another recycled box for the video feed monitor. Air-dry the monitor.

  • 6.

    Cut pieces of clear vinyl sheets for the glass monitor and control panels. Use Crayola Gel Markers to add details on the plastic. Attach the pieces to the box with Crayola School Glue. Air-dry the monitor.

  • 7.

    On brightly colored paper, draw your station’s name and/or call number with markers. Trace and cut out the shape on a recycled file folder. Glue the paper to the file folder. Attach it to a recycled plastic snack container to create a padded microphone. A

  • 8.

    Use your News Crew Tools to collect and write stories. Present the news "live" to classmates or younger children. What kind of set could you build for your newsroom?


  • Students learn about the roles and responsibilities of a news reporter.
  • Students recreate newsgathering equipment from recycled materials.
  • Children write and use their props to make news presentations to other students.


  • Turn the tables and interview an interviewer. Call up a local news station and set up an interview to find out more about what reporters do to make the news available. Capture what you learn with your own technology.
  • Every profession has its own language. Learn the slang and code words for news reporters.
  • Develop a trivia questionnaire for the class using what you learned.
  • Compare how different media handle stories. What are the headlines? What images are used? What language is used?