High Heeled Art

High Heeled Art

Uncover the history behind modern shoes and the similarities between styles of the past and those of today. Show off your sense of style by designing a shoe with Crayola® Model Magic®!

  • 1.

    Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? What do you like about them? When do you wear them?

  • 2.

    Why do people wear shoes? Shoes can be traced back to prehistoric times. Cave paintings show images of shoes in the most basic form, as bags, likely made from fur or animal hide, wrapped around people’s feet. That protective covering provided a shield against sharp rocks, hot sand, and other extreme terrain while hunting and performing daily activities.

  • 3.

    As societies evolved, so did the style and functions of shoes. In ancient Egypt, shoes were status symbols. Even the color of shoes could be used to identify one’s class. Ancient Rome also used shoe color to define social lines. Similarly, in ancient Greece, shoes were an indicator of one’s profession. Greeks become highly skilled in shoemaking, and were known for the elaborately woven styles they created. Other countries focused on making shoes more durable and comfortable.

  • 4.

    Make a list of different shoe styles on the board with your class. How many can you think of? How do these styles differ from shoes created by ancient cultures? How are they the same? Do some research with your class to find examples of how shoes changed throughout history. What purpose did the styles serve in society during those times? What did they represent about the people wearing them? What do the shoes of today say about our society?

  • 5.

    Imagine you’re a shoemaker. What style of shoe would you like to create? What would be the function of those shoes? Why would people want to wear them? Design a shoe of your own using Crayola Model Magic! Use the research you found as inspiration for your design. Consider the style, function, and symbolism of the shoe when molding it.

  • 6.

    Cover your work area with recycled newspaper to work on for easy cleanup. Model Magic that is fresh from the pack will stick to itself. Dried pieces can be glued together. Be creative! Add colors and details to enhance your shoe. Explore swirling, rolling, and twisting the Model Magic for interesting effects! Jewels, buttons, and beads can be added using Crayola No-Run School Glue. Store the completed shoe in a safe area and allow it to dry completely over 1-3 days.


  • Students discuss the importance of shoes, both physically and socially.
  • Students gather examples of how shoes evolved over time.
  • Students compare and contrast shoe styles in history to modern footwear.
  • Students design and mold a shoe, focusing on style, function, and purpose of the shoe as well as what it represents about our modern society.


  • Work in small groups to create a paper doll fashion show of period clothing! Find examples of fashion trends from different centuries and cultures throughout history. Each group will illustrate original clothing designs on models inspired by a specific time period with Crayola Classic Colored Pencils and Bold Markers. Carefully cut out each drawing and glue to a craft stick. Showcase your designs by walking your paper doll model around the class for everyone to enjoy! Discuss the similarities and differences between the styles in each time period.
  • Provide Crayola Classic Markers for younger students and those with special needs to draw details and designs on their Model Magic shoes! Suggest that students observe the shapes and forms on their own shoes to help them mold the Model Magic. Work with students to write a sentence describing the unique features they included in their creations.
  • Assessment: Share your shoe with the class. Discuss the various styles selected by each student. What do these designs say about you and your classmates? Who would be likely to wear the shoes designed by your class?