Dancing Knot

Dancing Knot lesson plan

Hold hands with friends, dance in and out, and get all tangled up into a big knot! Draw colorful swirls and curls on a dancing fan.

  • 1.

    <STRONG>Make a human knot</STRONG>. Stand in a line with your friends and hold hands. Have the people at both ends of the line run in and out of the line, under people’s arms. Hang on tight! You’ll all soon be in a big knot! Try dancing this way several times. Add music if you like.

  • 2.

    <STRONG>Draw a colorful knot</STRONG>. Use Crayola® Markers to draw a big, swirling, curving knot on white paper. While you draw, think about how it felt to make your hand-holding knot. Use all six colors. You will soon have a beautiful, colorful dancing knot! Notice how the marker colors mix when they overlap.

  • 3.

    <STRONG>Create a dancing fan</STRONG>. Draw a border around your design. Cut out around the border with Crayola Scissors. Glue your decorated paper on cardboard with Crayola School Glue. Then attach it to a recycled cardboard roll colored with marker. When your dancing fan is dry, dance and swirl!


  • Children move together to form a living knot.
  • Children draw a colorful knot of their own.
  • Children create a fan with which they can dance.


  • Try this on mural paper. You can make even wider swirls!
  • What other knots can you find? Make a list of knots you know (ribbon, hair braids, shoe laces).
  • Use colored yarn or ribbon to try to duplicate your drawing. How is it similar? How does it differ?
  • Tie ribbons to your fan and dance to lively music. Watch the ribbons wave in the air.
  • Make a Maypole and dance around it with wide ribbons.