Andy Warhol: Pop of Pop Art

Andy Warhol: Pop of Pop Art lesson plan

Create an original pop-art repetitive portrait based on a study the life and work of Andy Warhol.

  • 1.

    Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on August 8, 1930. His parents were Czech immigrants, and his last name was originally Warhola. After his education at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Warhol moved to New York, where he worked for <i>Vogue</i> and <i>Harper's Bazaar</i>, and designed window displays.

  • 2.

    By the 1960s Warhol's art was quite different than that of most other artists. He used everyday objects and images of famous people as the subjects for his work, often repeating them many times on one painting or print. His interest in things that were contemporary and popular defined his work as Pop Art.

  • 3.

    To create in the manner of Andy Warhol, first examine his portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Onassis, and Mick Jagger. Notice that he includes many portraits of the same person in one painting, changing colors and details.

  • 4.

    Use Crayola® Crayons to draw a Pop Art portrait of a friend or someone famous, on four sheets of brightly colored paper. Change some details, such as facial expression or colors in each of the drawings, as long as it is the same person you draw.


  • Students study the life and work of contemporary Pop Artist Andy Warhol.
  • Students research the meaning of the term Pop Art and apply it to their own creation.
  • Students create an original crayon portrait using Warhol's Pop Art style.


  • Andy Warhol was well known for his printmaking skills. Use a recycled foam produce tray to create a printmaking block. Press a drawing into the tray. Make several prints on a single sheet of paper with Crayola Tempera Paint.
  • When he moved to New York, Andy Warhol's personal style began to emerge, and his unusual hairstyle and mannerisms became nearly as famous as his artwork. Create a portrait of Andy Warhol, looking at a picture of him from this time period.
  • Pop Art used images of objects that were commonly used during that time period. Research different time periods, such as the Renaissance, or the Middle Ages. What would Pop Art of the Renaissance or some other period look like? Create one for a specific era.
  • Teachers may wish to preview Andy Warhol's work to select the most appropriate treatment of subjects for students.