Santa Lucia Crown

Santa Lucia Crown lesson plan

St. Lucia Day is a family Advent tradition in Scandinavia and Italy. These crowns are worn by girls as part of their celebration of St. Lucy.

  • 1.

    In Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Italy, Santa Lucia Day is part of the Advent season. On Santa Lucia (St. Lucy’s) Day, December 13, the eldest girl in the family wears a candle-lit crown, a white robe, and a red sash. She represents a medieval saint, Lucia, who carried food and drink to the hungry in Italy. Often families sing "Santa Lucia" and eat holiday treats.

  • 2.

    Find Europe and the countries that celebrate Santa Lucia’s kind deeds on a world map. Research more about the foods and activities during this joyous holiday tradition in Advent. Prepare a sparkling picture of Santa Lucia to show what you learned. Here’s one way to create Lucia wearing a crown.

  • 3.

    Use Crayola Gel Markers to draw a female face on black construction paper. On top of her head draw several white candles.

  • 4.

    With Crayola Color Explosion™ paper and a color-reveal marker, draw and color leaves to form Lucia’s crown and imitation candle flames. Cut out the leaves and flames with Crayola Scissors. Glue them on the picture with Crayola School Glue.

  • 5.

    Decorate the crown with Crayola Glitter Glue. Add sparkle to the top of your candles to make them look as if they were lit. Let the festivities begin!


  • Students identify the countries that celebrate Saint Lucia Day and locate them on a world map.
  • Children research Christmas holiday customs in these countries and represent their findings in a drawing of Santa Lucia.


  • If possible, interview someone in your community who celebrates the holiday. Learn more details about how the tradition has changed over the years. For example, instead of candles, what safer lights are used today?
  • Girls create 3-D crowns with Color Explosion. Males make St. Lucia Day Star Hats (another lesson plan on
  • Learn how to spell the names of European countries and their capitals. What languages are spoken in each country? For what are these countries well known? Hold a Scandinavian festival complete with Luciapepparkakor (ginger cookies) and singing.
  • Write about your families’ December celebrations. What are the origins of these holidays? How are they similar to Santa Lucia Day? How do they differ?