Pop Up Smiling!

Pop Up Smiling! lesson plan

Create pop-up books to remind yourself and others to take good care of that smile.

  • 1.

    Find out about the latest recommendations to keep teeth and gums healthy. Contact the American Dental Association. Invite a dentist or dental hygienist to speak to your class during Children's Dental Health Month in February. Search for on-line resources, brochures, and magazine articles.

  • 2.

    Plan a pop-up book about oral health. On white paper, use Crayola® Markers to list tips and recommendations to include on each page. Figure out how to illustrate each idea with pop-up figures.

  • 3.

    For each page of your book, fold construction paper in half so the shorter sides meet. Make two cuts with Crayola Scissors into the fold for each pop-up tab. Each cut should go in from the fold one or two inches (2-5 cm). Fold tabs away from fold edge and then open paper and pull tabs through to the open side.

  • 4.

    Draw pop-up figures with markers on construction paper. Cut out each figure. Put Crayola School Glue on each tab and press on figures. Dry.

  • 5.

    Add written text to each page in colorful marker lettering.

  • 6.

    Arrange pop-up pages in order. Glue the back sides together.

  • 7.

    Fold construction paper around the glued pages and glue to make the front and back cover of your book. Add a title and design the cover with markers.


  • Students research information on how to maintain oral health.
  • Students create informational pop-up books with instructions on proper dental health care.
  • Children draw and construct relevant pop-up illustrations to demonstrate techniques and motivate others to pursue good dental hygiene.


  • Share pop-up books with other classes. More skilled book authors partner with younger or developmentally challenged children for a read-around time.
  • Older children work with younger children to create reminders. Children number and decorate blank calendar pages. Younger children put smiles on each day that they take care of their teeth.
  • Sponsor a classroom dental health poster contest. Students develop criteria for judging posters. Brainstorm important things that should be included on posters. Display posters in hallways as dental health reminders.