Bugs Take Shape

Bugs Take Shape lesson plan

Imagination and problem-solving go to work as children check out real bugs and create their own.

  • 1.

    Look at butterflies and moths, ladybugs, spiders, worms, and a variety of other insects. Talk about what you see in terms of shapes, colors, patterns, and body parts.

  • 2.

    With Crayola® Model Magic, form a 3-dimensional bug. Repeat the shapes, colors, and patterns found in nature or be imaginative and design a fantasy bug.

  • 3.

    Use modeling tools such as plastic knives, craft sticks, or drinking straws to cut and shape the dough.


  • Children investigate bugs outdoors, in an insect zoo, on the Internet, or in books.
  • Children identify basic geometric shapes, colors, and patterns, as well as body parts, expanding vocabularies and visual literacy.
  • Children exercise imaginations and problem-solving skills as they recall real bugs and create their own.


  • Encourage more experienced students to notice organic shapes and symmetry in nature and design bugs with these features.
  • Younger children and special needs students can write stories about each bug's adventures. Younger children can dictate their stories to an older child or on tape.
  • Create an animated video with several bugs. Move bugs and their parts between takes to simulate motion.
  • Create models of the various stages of a bug's life cycle, such as caterpillar, larvae, cocoon, and moth.