Bubbly Prints

Bubbly Prints lesson plan

  • 1.

    Make sure children who do this know how to blow OUT and will not suck in the liquid.

  • 2.

    Whenever the weather is fine, take art projects outdoors. The fresh air and sunlight lend new dimensions to children's creativity.

  • 3.

    On a rainy day, cover the floor with a shower curtain and then recycled newspaper.

  • 4.

    Put on Crayola® Art Smocks. Carry a plastic container outdoors and place it on a low table.

  • 5.

    With a quart pitcher, measure warm water into the tub. For every quart of water, add 8 tablespoons of liquid dish soap and 6 tablespoons of glycerin (found in drug stores).

  • 6.

    Blow bubbles through straws or paper towel tubes. Shape chenille sticks into bubble-blowing wands.

  • 7.

    To make Bubbly Prints, add Crayola® Washable Kid's Paint to the water. Stir well. Blow bubbles onto white construction paper. As the bubbles pop, they leave circles of color.


  • Asking Questions
  • Physical: Eye - Hand Coordination
  • Physical: Large Motor
  • Physical: Small Muscles
  • Social & Emotional: Flexibility
  • Thinking: Observing
  • Thinking: Predicting Outcomes
  • Thinking: Problem Solving
  • Thinking: Understanding Concepts